Thursday 19 January 2012

Comic Strip

This is my comic strip in black and white I did have some shading on the individual panels but when I scanned them in with the college printer it cut the comic strip in half and couldn't really see the shading. I think that this was a big let down because it needs the shading on the comic strip to complete it. I think that the storyline is very simple yet successful.

This is the final image I think that it needs to be more bold whilst on the newspaper background. The background is out of the Hartlepool Mail newspaper which is a local newspaper and normal has a Andy Capp comic strip in I just replaced it and the other comic strip that was above it with my comic strip.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Comic book idea sketch

This has not scanned in very good, so I need to go over my sketch with a darker pencil so it will stand out more on the scanner. This will be done as soon as possible.

This is my sketch for the idea of a comic strip, I wanted to remake a Andy Capp comic because it was the artist Reg Smyth that created it and he was born in Hartlepool which is my home town and wanted to do some research on it.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Comic book idea

My idea is recreating a Andy Capp comic strip, the reason I have chosen to recreate a Andy capp comic strip is because the creator is from my home town Hartlepool and I have always liked the Andy Capp storys and want to try and create my own. The story is very basic but shows what it could be like years ago in Hartlepool, it will be called 'Late Night Fishing'. The First pannel will be Andy Capps silhouette in the distance sat on the promenade fishing (which is one of Andy Capps hobbies). The second panel will be a close up of a hook with a big fat juicy worm on the end of it. Third panel medium shot of Andy Capp throwing out his line off the promenade, also with the writing of 'swoosh' for the sound of the rod flying through the air. Fourth panel is the floater in the water with the writing 'Plonk!' for sound again. Fifth panel is an picture of Andy Capp pulling his rod in to see what he has caught for supper. The sixth and final panel will be a extreme close up of a old leather boot hanging off his hook, saying at the bottom " 'Ope I catch the o'er one! ". The panels will be put onto a actual image of a newspaper for added effect and to show that it is an actual comic strip you would find in a newspaper.

My attempt at hand drawing Andy Capp

I wanted to draw Hartlepools famous comic book character, to relate to my comic book asignment. It took 30 minutes all together to draw and colour the images in, I havn't traced the image or took it off a website I have drawn it my self. I think that the out come of the drawing is alot better than I expected I thought it was going to be small and not very good overall. I think the black on Andy Capps suit needs to be darker and his hat needs some tartin affect on it, I got a comment saying 'Andy Capp needs smoke coming from his cigerette' the answer to that comment is no because in most of the comic strips he doesnt have smoke coming from his cigerette.

First stage of drawing
Second Stage of drawing

Final drawing with improvements

Andy Capp

andy Capp is a British comic strip created by cartoonist Reg Smythe (1917-1998), seen in The Daily Mirror and The Sunday Mirror newspapers since 5 August 1957. Originally a single panel cartoon, Smyth later expanded it to four panels.

Andy is a working class figure who never actually works, living in Hartlepool, a horbour town in northeast England. The title of the strip is a pun, a perfect phonetic rendition of that region's pronunciation of the word "handicap", as well as a reference to the main character's trademark flat cloth cap.

Turning Marilyn Monroe into a drawing

This task we had to use this picture of Marilyn Monroe and turn it into a picture that would look like it has been made for comic strip. We used the tool that looks like the nib of a pen, this was used to make the lips and eyes stand out. I had a posterised filter layer added then added colour such as the hair, lips and skin. I found that the colour was too bright and didnt look apart of the image so I turned the opacity down to match the image. After adding colour I used another layer which was a brush affect. I think this image has turned out really well and looks like it has came from an old comic book.
Before editing.
After editing.

Lord Snooty

Lord Snooty (or Lord Snooty and his pals) was in a comic strip in the UK comic The Beano,first appering in issue 1, dated 30 july 1938, and was the longest running strip in the comic until Dennis the Menace and Gnasher overtook it. The central character was Lord Marmaduke of Bunkerton, known to his friends as Snooty, a very ordinary boy who just happens to be an Earl.

The strip was mostly drawn by Dudley D. Watkins until his death in 1969, though Leo Baxendale and Albert Holroyd occasionally filled in for Watkins. The strip had 18 month hiatus from the comic between June 1949 and December 1950. It was at this point that Snooty's original pals (from Ash Can Alley) were replaced with his new pals who lived in the castle. Some of these had previously appeared in other Beano strips.

Desperate Dan

Desperate Dan is a wild west character in the British comic The Dandy. He first appeared in its first issue, date 4 December 1937. He apparently the worlds strongest man, able to lift a cow with one hand. Even his beard is so tough he has to shave with a blowtorch.

The strip was drawn by Dudley D. Watkins until his death in 1969. Although The Dandy Annuals featured new strips from the other artists from then on, the comic continued reprinting Watkins strips until 1983.

Saturday 14 January 2012

My collection of comic books

This is my collection of comic books, I used to read these all the time I also tryed to draw some of the characters to make my own little story up. The storys I used to make were not as good as the ones I got in my comic books so I used to wait till the next issue came out.

Thursday 12 January 2012

Comic Book Presentation

Notes Taken in lesson:

  • Children used to read comic books instead of  watching tv because the tv channels were limited
  • There is many genres of comic books
  • Comic books are still being made today
  • Andy capp was very popular and the person who drew him was from Hartlepool
  • There was also comics for girls and still is