Monday 28 November 2011

Laurel & Hardy Research

Stan Laurel
Date of Birth:
16th June 1890, Ulverston, Cumbria, England, UK
Date of Death:
23rd February 1965, Santa Monica, California, USA (heart attack)
Birth Name:
Arthur Stanley Jefferson
Trade Mark:
Usually played a childshly innocent man who always look up to his good friend Oliver Hardy,whether it was deserved or not. Common schticks included crying in cases of great predicaments, taking instructions literally at all times and mixing up his lines. He and Hardy often had a scene in their films where they would get into a fight with another person that consisted soley of destroying property. The duo would destroy something the opponent values while the opponent looks on and does not resist. When they are done, the opponent does the same to them, while they refrain from resisting, and so on.
Completely vacant stare into the camera, accentuated by white pancake makeup.
Personal Quote:
If any of you cry at my funeral, I'll never speak to you again!

Oliver Hardy
Date of Birth:
18th January 1892, Harlem, Georgia, USA
Date of Death:
7th August 1957, North Hollywood, California, USA (cerebral thrombosis)
Birth Name:
Oliver Norvell Hardy
Trade Mark:
Usually played a childishly bossy man who barely tolerated his friend, Stan Laurel, but still valued him as someone to whom he could feel superior. With Stan Laurel, they often had a scene in their films where they would get into a fight with another person that consisted soley of destroying property. The duo would destroy something the opponent values while the opponent looks on and does not resist. When they are done, the opponent does the same to the duo, while they refrain from resisting and so on.
Black hair always combed forward.
Most famous costume was a dark suit, a black necktie, and a dark bolwer hat
A small mustache
Personal Quotes:
I don't know much, but I know a little about a lot of thing.

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